Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata passes away at 55


The console wars is a much documented and much unresolved conflict between the three big leaders in the gaming industry. But somewhere in the sidelines, a lone console keeps chugging on. Despite all the hustle around it, the Wii keeps on going its own way. But it has to pause and take a deep breath. Indeed, even the warring factions from Sony and Microsoft are pausing to mark the passing of one of gaming’s leading personalities.

Nintendo has announced the passing of its president and CEO, Satoru Iwata, on Saturday from a bile duct growth. He was 55.

His health records have already been on public record for some time. In fact, he took time off because of his health last year for a surgery. He returned late last year, which eased the worry of Nintendo fans. This made Iwata’s passing even more surprising for gamers all around the world.

Iwata took the position in 2002. As Steve Jobs did in the early 2000’s, Iwata led the company into the limelight with brand new consoles the world has never seen before, the Nintendo DS and the Wii. Throughout his career, he was a personality to gamers, appearing online in interviews.


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