How to get a sweat-free, easy-breezy sleep


The start of the year is usually treated as sweater season but this year seems to be an exception. As the Philippine weather agency has been telling us, the warmth brought about by the El Niño phenomenon may last from the last quarter of 2015 up to the early part of 2016. And this El Niño is supposedly one of the strongest in recent history. Plus, add the fact that summer is already knocking on our doors come this month. How do we stay cool and sweat-free for a good night’s sleep? Of course, there’s the electric fan and, and if you’re the moneyed kind, the air conditioner. But don’t these things go kaput in hot weather, too? So, how else can we fall sound asleep?

Keep your bedroom cool. You can’t control Mother Nature, but you can control your bedroom’s temperature. If it’s cool outside and it’s hot in your bedroom, open your windows and let the cool breeze in. If you don’t own an air conditioner, your trusty electric fan can still do its job well, provided that you keep your bedroom door open so that air can flow freely.

Prep your body for coolness before bedtime. If you’re a regular viewer of Korean TV dramas, you’ve probably noticed that Koreans often take a shower before sleeping. There’s definite wisdom in this, as water is an awesome agent that keeps your skin cool. Also, it’s good to drink a cold and refreshing glass of water before going to sleep.

Wear the right sleep clothes. Wear pajamas made from light cloth and materials that keep sweat away from your skin. Pick cotton. That’s probably your best bet.

Invest in cooling gadgets. Get one of those nifty gadgets that create mist. Your trusty plant mister may also help. You may also buy one of those mats that magically chills your pillow, giving you the coolest sleep. If strapped for cash, just use a frozen damp washcloth like you would a cold compress. Another cheap and crafty idea is to attach a container of ice cubes in front of your fan to keep the breeze refreshingly cool.

Try sleeping outdoors. Provided you have a garden, a veranda, or any safe outdoor space to prep your tent in, sleeping outdoors is a fun and cool way to sleep. I have tried this several times before as a kid, and it gave me some of the most memorable sleeps ever. With stars hovering above you and a cool breeze lulling you gently, it’s a great way to get a good night’s sleep.

Watch what you eat and how much you eat. Eat something light for dinner. Schedule the grand, heavy meals for breakfast and lunch. This is because your body temperature rises as your body digests food, so it’s better to eat the light stuff at night.


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