YouTube emphasizes interaction with new Community tab


It’s like we’re seeing bits and pieces of Google+ show up in the more successful services of Google. YouTube is inheriting a more robust communication tool between fans and YouTubers with the beta launch of YouTube Community.

Only a handful of YouTubers have it so far including the Vlogbrothers (John & Hank Green), The Game Theorists, Lilly Singh, AsapSCIENCE (Mitch Moffatt & Gregory Brown), Karmin, Vsauce3, The Key of Awesome, Sam Tsui, The Kloons, Threadbanger, Rosianna Halse Rojas, and Peter Hollens.

YouTube collaborated with these creators to include a new tab where they can put things up like text, live videos (the Vlogbrothers already have one up), animated GIFs, images, and many others they’d like to share with fans. Fans can then comment and interact on these posts, which makes the section live up to its name. You can even opt in to receive a notification anytime your favorite content creator has a new post in their Community tab.

YouTube plans to introduce the feature to more creators in the coming months with more features and functions to be included.

Source: Canadian Reviewer


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