The 2023 You: Touching on the dimensions of wellness, self-care, and self-improvement

The 2023 You: Touching on the dimensions of wellness, self-care, and self-improvement

Photo from Anthony Tran (

As we welcome new beginnings this 2023, it’s important to take time for self-care and self-improvement. It’s easy to get caught up in our day-to-day lives and forget to focus on taking care of ourselves. Wellness takes on a new meaning in the modern day, especially with so many issues bombarding us. But with a few simple steps, we can prioritize self-care and self-improvement and start the new year off with a renewed sense of wellness.

Wellness isn’t simply being physically healthy, but it also focuses more on the holistically well-being of a person. Such a holistic approach to life has different dimensions that looks into the physical, spiritual, environmental, emotional, intellectual, and social aspects of a person’s life. While wellness is all encompassing, a common denominator that helps achieve all these dimensions is mindfulness.

One way to start self-care and self-improvement is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of focusing on the present moment and being aware of our thoughts and feelings. This can include activities such as yoga, meditation, and journaling. By taking a few minutes each day to focus on our thoughts and feelings, we can create a sense of peace and calm and increase our self-awareness.

Apart from practicing mindfulness, taking time to read can also be beneficial. Reading has been linked to improved mental health, as well as improved concentration and memory. Reading can also help us learn new skills, broaden our horizons, and gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Bookshelf PH, a digital publishing house, produces a great range of books that can help us on our journey to wellness and self-improvement. In partnership with Blankscape Media, a full-on content and marketing agency, they help Filipino authors produce content that touches on all dimensions of wellness through sharing their experiences on how to achieve a fulfilling life.

For those looking to learn more about themselves and their inner strengths, Chairmom, Lost You Found Me, and Fearless Filipinas 2 explore how career and relationships impact self-improvement. Chairmom focuses on how to be a successful and effective leader and balance work with personal life at home, while Lost You Found Me and Fearless Filipinas 2 explore personal stories of resilience and courage. All three books provide valuable lessons and advice, helping us to understand and appreciate our own potential.

Meanwhile, Sharing My Light and Healing Energy, Faith and Grace Everyday and God’s Business Mandate provides guidance in achieving spiritual wellness. These books all focus on finding inner strength and faith, and searching for meaning and purpose in our daily existence. Through these books, we can gain a better understanding of our own spiritual journey and how to navigate our lives with faith and grace. No matter what our goals for 2023, we can all benefit from taking time to reflect on our personal values and missions.

“With all these new year challenges ahead of us, wellness has never been this crucial to integrate in our day-to-day lives,” Monette Quiogue, Managing Partner at Bookshelf PH and Blankscape Media said. “It’s time for us to prioritize having a holistic, fulfilling way of living amidst the hustle and bustle we need to navigate everyday. Take a step back, even if it’s just 10 minutes, to read, laugh, and reflect on the past year and embrace what this year has in store for us.”


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