Military run flat technology for Civilian use

Military run flat technology for Civilian use

Proven safe and developed in the battlefields of Afghanistan, Iraq and in the jungles of Southeast Asia fighting insurgents, Tyron’s Run Flat Protection Systems are now available for civilian use.

One can now drive confidently over road ruts, debris without fear of your tires blowing out.

Impenetra, the company which innovated lightweight armor protection systems for vehicles has introduced another safety innovation derived from military technology now made available for civilian use.

Known globally as the Tyron Run Flat Protection Systems of England, this run flat tire system is a technology commonly used by the military. Tyron offers a lot of safety benefits, namely impingement caused by curb strikes, potholes, sharp debris, and even operating in a hostile environment. Tyron’s rubber technology drastically reduces vibration and stresses that are transmitted through the run flat to the wheels, axles and driveshafts. Importantly, the rubber material of Tyron is a compliant material and therefore prevents the damage caused to the tire from impingement between the run flat and the inside of the tire. It basically protects and assures you of the tire not splitting, blistering, bulging, separation of the tire’s structural plies and pressure inflation loss or tire failure. A lifetime of not worrying about flat tires!

Enhance your safety and travel without fear of tire blowouts anywhere, anytime with Tyron. Those interested may call 0920-9101111 or 0917-6363824 for details.


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