Lee refreshes denim with DIY Rip and Repair event


Slowly, denim jeans have lost their irresistible pull on everyone’s fashion sense, in favor of much more breathable shorts. But surely, jeans are not dead. Not while brands like Lee Jeans breathe. But with terrible weather like this summer’s heat wave, how can a pair of denim jeans breathe at all?

With this heat, the logical choice would be to ditch the classic jeans and switch to shorts. That isn’t stopping Lee Jeans from churning out new styles and designs, especially in response to all this excessive heat. They hope to revitalize denim and they want everyone to help out.


The brand that established an impressive denim heritage is getting a face-lift or a ‘refreshment’ – from crafting your classic denim pieces, Lee Jeans sheds its archetype skin and steps up as a contemporary and innovative artisan. To pep up the traditional, Lee Jeans highlighted ‘Denim Refreshment’, a new fashion to dress up your jeans the DIY way. And we all need a refreshment.

Lee Jeans kick-started the Lee Denim DIY Rip and Repair on May 29, Friday at the SM Mall of Asia, a headstart to a 3-day workshop breathing contemporary to the classic – hence, “Denim Refreshment”.


Enter the Jade Fusion, launched during the event as the first of many denim innovations Lee Jeans has up its sleeve this 2015. This temperature-reducing wear is the perfect summer skin to be in. Crafted with natural jade that’s known for its heat-resist property, Jade Fusion improves breathability and manages moisture to keep the wearer cooler – a refreshing denim in every way.

The cool mood was set by the anamorphic floor art of internationally acclaimed British 3D artist Joe Hill, who is famous for the longest and largest anamorphic street painting and is the holder of the Guinness Record for this perspective art.

And let’s not forget Dry Fast, introduced as a lightweight, soft, and breathable performance cotton denim.

“Ripping” it lightly.

For three days, three stations housed the event’s DIY: RIPPING for distressing, slashing, and grinding; REPAIR & ALTERATION for sewing and patchwork; and PAINT & MONOGRAMMING where one can add his signature to the finished product using his initials.

Who knew there were so many combinations to customize your jeans? Ripping can be done either lightly or shredded heavily into holes. Repair and alteration is self-explanatory. Unless you want the patches to board up all the damage from heavy ripping. Paint splotches can be added in any color and in any size. Monogramming is adding customized labels to the patches found at the back of the jeans.

Adding paint and customized monograms.

Male participants feasted over Zed fit and Powell jeans while the ladies distressed away Jeggings and in different blue and heritage jeans wash. The denim fans purchased jeans and worked on their canvasses as schooled by modern artisans who put on a demo show of styling how-to’s.

Lee Jeans’ curiosity in the denim innovation is just beginning. Creating refreshing new feel and modernism is just Act 1. Expect more DIY from the owner of the denim customization floor.


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