Google giving away free 2GB to Google Drive for Safer Internet Day


No matter how inane or expansive my cache of data on the cloud gets, I’d rather not risk the threat on security online. With news reports coming left and right from bigwigs like Sony, Steam, and Snapchat, we are constantly reminded of the importance of a secure digital ecosystem. Today marks Safer Internet Day, a reminder that remembering that extra-long password with the tilde sign might actually keep your private life behind closed (and chained doors).

To celebrate the day, Google will be carrying out a Google account security check to ensure your account’s efficiency against digital attacks. To sweeten the deal, Google will offer those who completed the few-minutes-long test a free 2GB expansion to their Google Drive. With media consumption increasing every year, who wouldn’t want that sweet 2GB?


Take note: this deal only happens today, February 9 (at least, according to US time). Also, the free deal can only be redeemed after the test has been taken. The link to the Google security check is here.

Changing your password from “abc123” to “GeBCndD!243” might not keep evil hacker masterminds from your doorstep, but it’s a start and a stance that the Internet will not tolerate infringements to its citizens’ right to privacy. Keep safe, everyone!


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