The Apple iPhone 7 sees (PRODUCT)RED


Apple’s latest iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models are getting the (PRODUCT)RED treatment, making them the first iPhone models to feature the fiery red finish.

Having the new iPhones coming in the new (PRODUCT)RED variant is meant to commemorate Apple’s involvement with (PRODUCT)RED non-profit, which helps raise awareness of AIDS and give access to life-saving HIV/AIDS programs in sub-Saharan Africa. Since the non-profit was founded in 2006, it has generated over US$465 million for the Global Fund HIV/AIDS grants with Apple contributing over $130 million to that. Before Apple sold special edition (PRODUCT)RED iPods and accessories to show its support. There was even a limited edition Jony Ive Mac Pro which was sold for thousands of dollars.

If you’re interested, the special edition iPhone 7 and iPhone Plus will start accepting orders on 11:01 p.m. of March 24th. The prices for the various models are P43,990 for the 128GB iPhone 7, P49,990 for the 256GB iPhone 7, P50,990 for the 128GB iPhone 7 Plus, and P56,990 for the 256GB iPhone 7 Plus.

Source: Apple + Canadian Reviewer


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