Access current updates, info about COVID-19 with these smart tools

Access current updates, info about COVID-19 with these smart tools

COVID-19 has had people all over the globe in a flurry. Cities are locking down, borders are tightening, and flights are being cancelled. While you should definitely be cautious and well-informed, there is no need to panic or hoard items (remember, you’re not the only human being on this planet).

As we wait for further updates from the government and other relevant organizations, remember to relax, avoid crowded spaces, and wash your hands regularly (do this even if there isn’t a virus going around, proper hygiene is important people!).

To help, Google has set up tools that lets everyone stay on top of the news and get educated about the virus.

Here are some of the developments that Google has put out:

SOS Alert

Google has integrated an SOS Alert in Search that connects people with the latest news plus safety tips and links to more authoritative information from the World Health Organization (WHO). 

YouTube and Maps Information Panel

On YouTube, the homepage will direct users to the WHO or other locally relevant authoritative organizations and will donate ad inventory to governments and NGOs in impacted regions to use for education and information. Google Maps also continues to surface helpful and reliable local information.

Protecting People from Misinformation

Google is also mobilizing the fight against false reports and clickbait ads capitalizing on the COVID-19 situation by removing content that claims to prevent the coronavirus in place of seeking medical treatment on YouTube.

On Google Ads, the company is blocking all ads capitalizing on the coronavirus, and Google has blocked tens of thousands of ads over the last six weeks. The company is also helping WHO and government organizations run PSA ads. 

Google Play also prohibits developers from capitalizing on sensitive events, and its long-standing content policies strictly prohibit apps that feature medical or health-related content or functionalities that are misleading or potentially harmful.

Enabling productivity for remote workers and students

As more employees, educators, and students work remotely in response to coronavirus, Google Cloud is there to help them stay connected and productive. Google has rolled out free access to Hangouts Meet video-conferencing capabilities to all G Suite and G Suite for Education customers globally. This includes the Philippines’ Department of Education. You can learn more about this through these links: G Suite Updates, and Helping businesses and schools stay connected in response to Coronavirus

Advancing health research and science

DeepMind has released structure predictions of several proteins associated with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus. These structure predictions have not yet been experimentally verified, but the hope is that by accelerating their release they may contribute to the scientific community’s understanding of how the virus functions and experimental work in developing future treatments.

Supporting relief efforts and government organizations

Finally, Google is providing $25 million in donated ad credit to the WHO and government agencies, and will provide more if there is a need throughout the year. and Googlers have donated over $1 million to support relief efforts, which will go towards organizations working to purchase medical supplies, provide frontline workers with food and lodging, support the construction of temporary hospitals, and help with long-term recovery efforts.


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