Giving the best care for our pets

Giving the best care for our pets

Apart from the tender loving care that fur parents demonstrate to their pets, dog owners must have a veterinarian for their four-legged family members.

Malayan Insurance Co. Inc.’s “Furfect Love Protection” webinar imparted tips on how to care for one’s pets and spot telltale signs that something is wrong. Norbert Robles, founder of Petlink Veterinary Clinic, shared a veterinarian’s perspective on dispensing the proper care for four-legged friends. He explained that dogs should be given their basic needs such as food and water, shelter, and time for socialization and interaction.

“Without water and food and the most complete nutrients, they will not be healthy. We don’t just buy or adopt, but we should provide a home for our dogs. Dogs should be given love and a safe environment, and have someone to socialize with,” Robles explained. Aside from answering their pets’ basic needs, paw parents should trust their vets.

Animal doctors will diagnose pets for deadly diseases, vaccinate them, advise on the proper treatment of ailing animals or pets, and other practical health care tips. “Vets know what is best for your pets. Do not go to ‘Dr. Google’ first, go to your veterinarians,” he said. He advised pet-lovers to be watchful of their pets’ energy levels, behavior particularly their appetite, and also use a body condition scoring metric. Robles emphasized regular check-ups for pets since many diseases range from viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections.

Viral infections range from Distemper, the Parvovirus, blood parasitism, and even a Coronavirus infection. Bacterial infections, on the other hand, include leptospirosis, Bordetella, Salmonella, and E coli. Parasitic infections are usually caused by blood parasites like roundworms, tapeworms, ringworms, among others. Aside from all the love, care, and veterinary treatments given to pets, Robles added that having insurance protection can greatly help fur parents address the financial aspects of caring for pets.

“Insurance can help you with your budget, being a parent to your dogs,” he pointed out. Meanwhile, Kaye Suelto, a product brand specialist of Malayan Insurance, explained the benefits of having pets covered with the Pet Care insurance, especially during the community quarantine period.

The new product covers pet dogs and includes personal accident (PA) and owner’s liability coverage for dog owners, as well as payment for any medical treatment or confinement in a vet hospital if the insured dog is in an accident or develops a sudden illness.

Pet Care will also pay for any third-party damages for which the insured pet is legally liable. The owner’s liability insurance covers situations in which the pet bites other people. While the policy is in effect, the PA protects the insured dog owner in the event of accidental death, disablement, or dismemberment.

Pet Care comes in three plans wherein customers will only pay a premium of P2,800 for Plan A, P4,200 for Plan B, and P5,400 for Plan C. The premium for each plan is inclusive of taxes and charges and provides annual coverage.


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