Today is the best time to be ready for the digital world

Today is the best time to be ready for the digital world

Students of Refocus Philippines share how its programs help them be more equipped to take advantage of the growing digital economy 

There is no better time to establish your position in the digital world than today as it continues to grow over the past years. In the Philippines, the digital economy is expected to raise Php 5 trillion in economic value by 2030. This presents a need to cope with the evolving digital industry and equip yourself with the necessary skills to take advantage of opportunities.  

Refocus Philippines, an online education platform, helps Filipinos enhance their capabilities that are suitable to this booming digital economy. 

“At Refocus, we offer courses that help our students learn the right skills and knowledge on digital marketing from social media, email marketing, online ads management, and understanding digital strategies and metrics. Our programs are designed to make them more employable for the digital world ,” says Roman Kumar Vyas, Founder of Refocus. 

Students who have undergone the digital marketing courses and learning programs of Refocus Philippines are already reaping the rewards of investing to upskill themselves. They share how it has helped them be more confident and competitive in the digital age.   

Enhancing your skills to be ready for the future 

Hannah Felipe has always been interested in digital marketing since after her graduation back in 2007. Her career has exposed her to various digital activities, which allowed her to witness firsthand the continuous evolution of digital marketing. Despite that, she felt that she was not able to prepare when the e-commerce industry progressed quickly after the pandemic hit in 2020.

This made her realize the importance of being prepared for the future. She knew upskilling herself is a strategic way to remain equipped with up-to-date digital marketing skills. This will also allow her to flourish more in her career and cope with the constant change in the digital marketing industry.

“It became my mission to upskill myself. I was scared that I may lag behind the younger, more digital savvy people and so when I saw the digital marketing specialist course of Refocus, I took it. I’m learning a lot from the course and the flexibility that I can jump in and out of classes works well for me. I’m excited to complete the course projects as I know that I can learn more from this through actual practice,” shares Hannah. 

The future of digital marketing in the Philippines has been constantly growing at an unprecedented pace. Upskilling through online courses is a sure way to ensure that your skills remain relevant in the changing times and be ready for what lies ahead. 

From Virtual Assistant to Marketing Specialist 

Maisa Francisco works as a virtual assistant but her great desire has always been to be a marketing professional. Her awareness on what she wants to accomplish for her career and the path that she wants to take led her to enrolling in Refocus. 

“Seeing the curriculum of Refocus and what I could learn from it made me decide to pursue this course. I wasn’t wrong when I said to myself that this course can help me switch careers and pursue the job that I want. I love the learning sessions and the most enjoyable part for me are the live and hands-on activities that allow us to do actual digital marketing tasks with guidance of experts,” states Maisa. 

While still currently finishing the course from Refocus, Maisa has already gained more knowledge about Digital Marketing and how to effectively do it. In fact, she has already engaged her first client that she helps with social media management. 

She is now looking forward to completing the course and building her digital portfolio to take her career to the next level.

From Techno-Phobic to learning Digital Marketing

What if you are someone who considers yourself as a “technophobic”? Would the courses from Refocus PH still be a fit for you? Take it from another student by the name of Grel Gregorio who has a reformed mindset as she started being part of the Refocus PH program.

“Being a little technophobic and an old soul, I never expect to enjoy the Digital Marketing Specialist Course. Their program makes me look forward to every lesson and online meetings with my Refocus classmates and mentors. The subjects are concise and compelling and I love the applications and case study discussion for each learning item. I can definitely say that this course offers a lot of value for its price,” says Gregorio. 

The digital economy in the Philippines is expected to continue to grow and be relevant for various businesses. The opportunities in the digital marketing industry are expected to abound. The only question now is, are you ready to take advantage of it?   

“We see the promising future of the digital marketing in the Philippines and we want to help more Filipinos gain access to relevant courses that will allow them to upskill and develop themselves to acquire better careers and ways of earning,” states Vyas. 

To learn more about Refocus and the various programs they have, visit or their FacebookInstagramLinkedIn or YouTube pages.


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